Ready to improve your

Diastasis Recti?

You're in the RIGHT place!

If you’re a mama who’s

grown frustrated with:

  • Dieting & exercising but STILL having a “pooch”
  • Looking pregnant months or YEARS after giving birth
  • Back pain and weak core
  • Trying a little of everything but NOT seeing results

Then this program is for YOU!

Learn step by step how to heal your Diastasis and feel great in your body again!

Helping thousands of women around the globe 🌎

Transform Your Body

Reclaim Your Life!

The 8 Week Diastasis Recti

Core Rehabilitation Program

Designed to help you:

  • Get "Unstuck"
  • Restore your core
  • Love your body again
  • Rehab your Diastasis
  • Eliminate the back pain
  • Get rid of the "mom pooch"
  • Get your life back!
  • Not look 6 months pregnant
  • Restore a healthier, happier YOU!

Press play and see why moms love this program so much!!

Pregnancy can do a number on our bodies. Unfortunately, without the proper rehab Diastasis recti can continue for months, even YEARS after having babies.

  • If you’ve had multiple pregnancies
  • Gave birth to multiple babies at once
  • Had larger size babies
  • Over the age of 35

Then you may have a condition that over two– thirds of pregnant women get called Diastasis Recti (DR) abdominal separation, but there IS hope!

Diastasis is a condition that looks DIFFERENT on everyone

Therefore you need customized exercises that pin points your individual problem areas so you stop spinning your wheels and start seeing results.

And unlike generic social media posts that lack personalization, the Core Rehab Program is designed to help you customize the exercises to fit YOU.

Get rid of the "mom pooch", eliminate back pain, stop looking 6 months pregnant and feel good in your body again!

Whether you are 10 weeks or 10+ years Postpartum



1 Program, 2 client options: Self led and 1-on-1

Program Includes:

  • 80+ Diastasis healing education and exercise videos: Teaching you step-by-step how to heal your diastasis, get rid of the "mom pooch", eliminate back pain, and strengthen your core and pelvic floor
  • Corrective exercises: To help you improve your posture, relieve back pain, stop gripping your abs, improve rib flare, strengthen and release your pelvic floor.
  • 1-on-1 Virtual Consultation with a Pelvic Floor Doctor of Physical Therapy & Trainer to provide a full body assessment of your diastasis, posture, breathing, ribcage, muscle engagement, core and pelvic floor muscle strength and to develop a customized rehab training plan for your individual problem areas and needs.**
  • Expert Guidance and Support: Option to receive real time feedback from a Pelvic Floor Therapist and Trainer to ensure you're doing the right exercises to see LASTING results
  • Guided Assessment: To help you pin point what's keeping your Diastasis from healing and customize the program exercises to you.
  • Ongoing Accountability and Support: To help you stay consistent and motivated in a community of other moms with similar struggles and goals
  • BONUS! Nutrition Guidance: Showing you how to reduce bloating, heal your diastasis, breathe and engage your core muscles when working out at the gym or with any exercise.
  • BONUS! Total body and low impact cardio workouts: To help you tone and strengthen your total body.

** Included only if you sign up as a 1-on-1 client. Investment starts as low as $197

No more feeling lost, frustrated, overwhelmed or trapped in a body you don't recoginize when you look in the mirror.


Look and Feel Confident Again!

Feel Strong and Empowered In Your Body!

Get Rid of the Hip and Back Pain!

Have Less Fear and More Freedom with Exercise!

Proof that it's possible to heal your Diastasis, stop the leaking, get rid of the back pain, and feel strong and confident in your body again!!

Join thousands of women across the globe 🌎

Meet Dr. Lashonda Jones

Mom of 2, Pelvic-Ortho PT, Trainer, Perinatal Corrective Exercise Specialist and Creator of the 8 Week Diastasis Rehab Program

One of the reasons I'm so passionate about this program is because I remember how discouraged and broken I felt while trying to heal my own Diastasis.

I was overwhelmed by:

❌ My changing postpartum body

❌ What exercises were safe vs unsafe to do

❌ Trying to figure things out on my own

I know first hand what it's like to:

❌ Lack confidence

❌ Feel broken

❌ Not recognize your body anymore

BUT I also know what it's like to:

❤️ Love myself through it

❤️ Heal my own body from the inside out

❤️ Feel happy and whole again

While I was grateful for my body and all the hard work it had done to birth your beautiful babies. I still wanted to feel strong and confident in my own body again. And YOU deserve to have that too mama!

Now that I'm on the other side, healed and back to feeling like ME again, I can confidently say:

YES!! Diastasis recti can be improved with:

✔ Targeted exercises for your body

✔ Progressively strengthening your core

✔ Not giving up on your postpartum recovery!

If it feels like nobody understands what you're going through...I do!

I personally know this program works because it's EXACTLY what I did to heal myself and help hundreds of other moms.

I can't wait to help you regain your confidence and feel good in your own body again.

~Dr. Lashonda Jones PT, DPT, CPT, PCES


Not every woman can afford or even need that to make improvements to your Diastasis.

And even if surgery is needed or desired, it's scientifically proven that strengthening your core and pelvic floor before & after surgery can greatly improve your surgical

recovery and results.

So therefore you have EVERYTHING to gain and NOTHING to lose.

Diastasis Recti Program Comparison Chart

Payment Plans Available




(or 2 payments of $110)

  • Full program access to 80+ step-by-step on demand exercise/education videos teaching you step-by-step how to heal your diastasis, get rid of the "mom pooch", eliminate back pain, and strengthen your core and pelvic floor. Customizable to fit your individual needs (value $197)
  • Nutrition guidance teaching you how to get rid of bloating and promote healing to your Diastasis. Optional done-for-you meal plans available to help you reach your healthier eating, weight or fat loss goals.
  • Pre-recorded self guided assessment showing you step by step how to assess your own diastasis, breathing, posture, and diastasis type so you can customize the program to fit your individual needs and ensure you see faster results
  • Ability to add on a 1-on-1 virtual call with Dr. Jones for any troubleshooting, feedback or assessment needs to avoid plateaus.
  • BONUS weekly accountability/instruction emails to keep you on track and accountable
  • BONUS private Facebook group for ongoing accountability/motivation and community
  • Lifetime access to the 8 Week Diastasis rehab program for the life of the progam!
  • 1 on 1 consultations or assessments provided by Dr. Lashonda
  • Customized rehab plan or progressions provided directly by Dr. Lashonda
  • Private messaging access to Dr. Lashonda for additional guidance, toubleshooting and support




(or 2 payments of $1,100)

  • Full program access to 80+ step-by-step on demand exercise/education videos teaching you step-by-step how to heal your diastasis, get rid of the "mom pooch", eliminate back pain, and strengthen your core and pelvic floor. Customizable to fit your individual needs (value $197)
  • Nutrition guidance teaching you how to get rid of bloating and promote healing to your Diastasis. Individual guidance provided to help you meet your healthy eating, weight or fat loss goals.
  • Exclusive, high level rehab training and expert guidance from Doctor Lashonda Jones to develop a customized program just for you so you feel confident you're doing the right exercises
  • Two- 1 Hour initial & final consultations performed by Dr. Jones including a full body assessment of your diastasis, posture, breathing, ribcage, muscle engagement, core and pelvic floor muscle strength to develop a customized rehab training plan to ensure you're seeing faster results (value $600)
  • Four- Live 1-on-1 rehab training sessions with Dr. Jones to perform and progress your rehab exercises and receive individual guidance and instant feedback so you feel confident you're doing the right exercises and doing them correctly (value $800)
  • Six total 1-on-1 Calls with a Doctor of Physical Therapy to create and progress a customized rehab plan to address any unhealed Diastasis, back pain, leaking, core and pelvic floor muscle weakness or tightness, prolapse, posture, breathing, and safe return to exercise needs.
  • Two months of Mon-Fri Private Voxer voice messenger access to Dr. Lashonda for questions, troubleshooting, accountablity, and additional nutrition guidance (value $400)
  • BONUS Private Facebook group for ongoing accountability/motivation and community

  • Lifetime access to the 8 Week Diastasis rehab program for the life of the progam!

** If your Diastasis is 4 fingers wide or larger I recommend signing up as a 1 on 1 client OR scheduling a one time assessment call (at a minimum) to see best results**

Here are the hard but loving facts....

Having Diastasis Recti not only impacts your core but also your confidence. Therefore you:

  • Convinced yourself surgery is the option
  • Hide behind oversized clothes
  • Avoid family pictures
  • Feel broken and defeated
  • Feel unmotivated to workout
  • Feel stuck, tired, frustrated, discouraged, embarrassed, overwhelmed, and trapped in a body you don’t recognize when you look in the mirror

You're READY for a Change But You....

  • Don't know where to start
  • Have a habit of starting & stopping
  • Have no idea what exercises you should or shouldn't do
  • Aren't sure if you're doing the exercises correctly
  • Need expert guidance, accountability, and suppor so you can stick with your exercises and finally seeing results

You've wasted months trying random exercises on social media and searching all of google for solutions and your Diastasis is STILL not healed. If left unhealed, it will potentially lead to more pain, leaking, and weakness down the road. Costing you your joy, precious time with your kids, and the happiness you deserve.

Now is your chance to get the Expert Guidance from Dr. Jones so you can feel confident you're doing the right exercises for you and your body so you can feel EMPOWERED in your body again.

It's Time to Take Your Power Back. It's Time to Pour Back Into You!

Breakdown of What's Included

** only included with high level 1-on-1

1-on-1 Consultations**:

These are online face to face zoom calls with Dr. Jones to provide you a full body assessment of your Diastasis width and depth, posture, ribcage and spinal mobility, breathing, and ability to properly engage your deep core and pelvic floor.

I assess everything from head to toe for any muscle or structural imbalances, & muscle weakness that could be keeping your core and pelvic floor muscles from healing. Based on my finding I will develop a customized plan of exercises to address and troubleshoot any muscle imbalances, ab gripping, rib flare, glute clenching, poor posture habits, tight or weak pelvic floor issues that are keeping your core and pelvic floor unhealed.

This may include specifics on returning to specific sport, running, desired workout class and additional nutrition guidance for healthy weight or fat loss.

Pre-recorded Guided Assessment:

This is a pre-recorded video that provides all self led clients with step-by-step instructions on how to assess your Diastasis recti width and depth, breathing, posture, rib cage angle, muscle strength, and ability to properly engage your deep core and pelvic floors in order to heal your Diastasis. This video is led by Dr. Jones showing you how to both heal and assess yourself which is empowering!

Based on your findings you will then be guided on what targeted exercises you need to include in your rehab program to address your individual Diastasis and troubleshoot any muscle imbalances, ab gripping, rib flare, glute clenching, poor posture habits, tight or weak pelvic floor issues that are keeping your core and pelvic floor unhealed.

1-on-1 Rehab Training Sessions**:

If you ever wished you had someone to tell you where to start. what to do and walk you through a customized plan of exercises to heal your Diastasis that's exactly what these sessions provide! You will meet virtually 1-on-1 with a Dr. Jones to perform your customized rehab exercises together and receive immediate feedback and troubleshooting on your breathing, exercise form, and exercise progressions together to help you see faster results.

Nutrition Guidance:

If you struggle with bloating, poor eating habits, nutrition deficiencies that may be impacting your DR then our nutrition guide/coaching will help! I break down how to properly identify foods that maybe causing the bloating & how to proper eliminate & replace them in your diet (to avoid nutrition deficiencies). This will also include healthy eating guidance with additional nutrition counseling.

Total Body and Low Impact Workouts:

Pregnancy and postpartum does a number on our entire bodies not just our core. Therefore it's vital that we address any muscle imbalances and weaknesses that can not only impact you now but YEARS down the road. These workouts will make help make returning to exercise less fearful. Helping you to regain your strength and endurance in a safe manner.

Weekly Guidance Accountability/Emails:

It's so easy to buy online programs & never follow through. I provide weekly guidance/accountability emails to tell you exactly what to focus on each week so that you stay the course. As long as you show up for yourself I will 110% show up for you!

Private Messaging Access**:

All 1 on 1 clients will have 9-5 access to me Mon-Fri to ask questions, receive additional weekly accountability, Nutrition check-ins/guidance and more! Having this extra accountability throughout the program is PRICELESS!

Still on the fence if it's worth it??? Hear what these moms had to say!

Frequently asked questions

Are results guaranteed?

Results depend greatly upon a variety of things like the severity of your Diastasis, any additional health complications, past medical history, and dedication to doing the program as recommended. Clients who are the most consistent with their workouts and my recommendations see the best results. I will do everything in my power to ensure your success BUT the outcome is really up to you. Each mom is starting from various sizes of their DR, have different commitments, and may have other medical conditions to consider. Therefore each woman’s healing may be different. You should begin to see improvements as fast as 2 weeks into the program but you may need to do more than 1 round to get the full results you desire. There is NO RUSH, it’s all about getting good results.

If I do self led will I get the same results as a high level 1 on 1?

It depends. If you're highly motivated, self directed and will commit to the program without need for additional accountability then you should do great as a self led client. Results will vary (at any client level) based on level of commitment and consistency, the severity of your Diastasis, genetics, your nutrition habits, if you're still nursing, how far postpartum you are, etc. All client success stories above are of clients from both levels. But if at any point you feel you would benefit from additional accountability, a 1-on-1 call with Dr, Jones or a live group session you can add it on at anytime.

What if I've been told surgery is my ONLY option to heal?

Unfortunately many women are told this due to a lack of knowledge about physical therapy & postpartum training options that provide an progressive/ comprehensive approach. My program and clients are PROOF that you can improve your Diastasis "naturally" and that surgery is not the *only* option. So not only will your Diastasis improve but so will your overall strength, health, knowledge of your body, posture awareness, leaking, and confidence in all the things your body CAN do. NO surgery is going to provide you that. Even if you do opt or have a need for surgery, rehab before and after will only IMPROVE the outcomes of your surgery. So you joining this program is a WIN WIN.

What if it's been several months or years since I gave birth?

Whether it's been 10 months or 10+ years since you've given birth, it's NEVER too late to make improvements to your core. Improving Diastasis recti requires strengthening of your core muscles and linea alba tissue. I teach you how to progressively load your core which can help both strengthen your core and thicken and the linea alba tissue. I've helped moms 15+ years postpartum get results. If you're willing to commit to the process you will see improvements. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

I've tried other programs & exercises but didn't see a difference. What makes your program different?

There are tons of different programs and exercise videos you can follow on YouTube & Social Media on Diastasis but none of them are customized to YOU. Diastasis is a WHOLE body issue that requires a thorough assessment of your individual posture, body alignment, muscle imbalances, pelvic floor function, connective tissue integrity, & ability to activate and strengthen the RIGHT muscles in order to properly help your core. That's what my program provides. If you've only been doing breathing exercises or easy exercises lying on your back then I guarantee you haven't challenged your core enough to see actual results. My program provides you targeted exercises for your individual Diastasis type and get you back to exercising and living life without Diastasis holding you back.

Do you take insurance/HSA/FSA?

I do not take insurance. I have had several clients in the past who have used their HSA allowance and sometimes received reimbursement based on their HSA policies. If that's an option for you I would recommend reaching out to them and ask if they cover anything along the lines of postpartum rehab or fitness training. The education and training provided in this program is not considered as physical therapy. If wishing to have physical therapy with Dr. Jones you must be a resident of North Carolina. Anyone globally can do this online program.

Can I still benefit from this program if I have an umbilical hernia?

As long as you're not experiencing pain or signs of entrapment at the site of your hernia you should be ok to participate in this program. If you've already had a repair you are free to join as long as you have your doctor's clearance. Many women have successfully completed this program and seen good results even with a hernia present as I go over principles such as breathing, posture, pressure management, and proper engagement of your deep core ALL which are beneficial to help reduce the severity and protect an existing hernia. If fearful that exercise will make it worse that's the benefits of having access to me to ask questions and get guidance anytime.

Would this program help if I had a C-Section?

Absolutely!! I too am a C-birth mama so I know 1st hand how the surgery (and pregnancy in itself) can effect your core AND pelvic floor. Did you know that the linea alba tissue is actually torn in order for the doctor/midwife to reach your uterus and deliver the baby?! Therefore research shows c-birth moms are more likely to have DR than those who delivered vaginally. Even if the abdominal separation is not apparent you could still benefit from the inner and outer core strengthening, c-section scar mobilization, total body strengthening, breathing and posture education I provide in this program. I HIGHLY recommend it.

Can I do these workouts anywhere & anytime

Yes, you can access your printable guides & workout videos from any device and perform them at your leisure

How long are the workouts?

They range from 20-30 minutes depending on how many rounds you do & what level you’re at in the program

How long is the program?

8 Weeks. After that you have the option to repeat the program as many times as you like and transition into my monthly membership program for ongoing accountability, support, and more

Will I be fully healed after 8 weeks? How long does it take to heal Diastasis recti?

You can begin to see lasting visible results anywhere from 6-8 weeks if you’re being consistent. Deeper results like fascial reconstruction can take 6 months to a year. Every woman’s healing time is different but the key is to give your best and be consistent to see the best results. For 8 weeks you have access to me for questions, coaching, & performance of program as a group. Once 8 weeks are up you have access to the program to repeat as many times as you need to heal for up to 1 year. It’s not a race…the key is to heal in your timing.

Will the Diastasis return once I stop doing the program? How long will the results last?

No the Diastasis does not automatically open again/return once you stop doing the program. The principles I'm teaching you like diaphragmatic breathing, correctly engaging/strengthening your core, & practicing good posture habits are things you will want to continue for life to keep you healthy, pain-free and strong. So you won't necessarily need to follow my specific program or keep "healing your Diastasis" forever but in order to maintain the strength gains you achieve throughout the program I highly recommend practicing the principles & incorporating the exercises into your normal exercise routine. But NO your Diastasis will not reverse just because you're no longer doing the program.

What if I'm planning to have more kids? Is it better to do the program AFTER you’re done having children?

If planning to have more children I HIGHLY recommend doing the program now. If you already have an open diastasis and weak core and you do nothing about it now the likelihood of you having a more severe diastasis is higher because those muscles will only get more lengthened and weaker. So if you work on the diastasis and strengthen your core now you will go into your pregnancy stronger and with the knowledge of what you need to do to reduce the severity of the diastasis throughout the pregnancy AND after you deliver your baby. It's a win win to heal your current diastasis now.

Will I have access to the program after 8 weeks?

Yes! You get lifetime access to all videos, guides & tutorials unless you're accessing the program through the monthly membership then access is based on the length of your membership. There is NO RUSH for you to complete the program in 8 weeks as I understand that life happens as a mom so therefore you can resume and perform the program at your own leisure anytime. If needing continued 1:1 guidance after the 8 weeks you can reach out to Dr. Jones to set up a call.

What equipment will I need?

Light and Medium Dumbbells (5 to 15 pounds)

Long Resistance Bands with handles and door attachment strap

Set of loop booty bands

Small yoga ball (or kids ball)

Stability Ball

Foam Roll

Chair &/or a Step

You can see all the recommended equipment HERE

Are the exercises for your core only?

No. Because Diastasis is a whole body issue we strengthen & stretch the whole body depending on your individual needs seen on assessment

Can I still lift weights and continue my other workouts?

I recommend holding on current workouts for at least the 1st 2 weeks of the program to have an better assessment of your needs & lay down a strong foundation of proper breathing, movement patterns, deep core muscle connection and engagement. After that's established you're welcome to resume any other workouts including weight lifting as long as you're able to transition the foundational concepts into your workouts & they don’t aggravate your symptoms, cause pain or excessive conning.

Do you cover Nutrition?

Absolutely! Poor gut health, dehydration, and imbalanced nutrition can all contribute to bloating and poor tissue healing and muscle repair. I provide a nutrition guide that teaches you how to reduce bloating foods, improve tissue healing, and improve overall balanced healthier eating. This is not a weight loss program but if healthy weight loss is apart of your goals we have additional meals plans and nutrition coaching available to help you reach your goals.

How does the program work?

Once you gain access to the program you will either have a virtual 1-on-1 consultation with Lashonda (if 1-on-1) OR access a pre-recorded guided assessment (if self led). This assessment will give us insight into the width/depth of your diastasis, postural habits, breathing patterns, core strength, muscle imbalances, pelvic floor function & ability to engage and strengthen your deep and outer core muscles. You will then progress through the 8 week program weekly and customize the exercises to fit your needs based on your assessment. You will also have access to an 8 week calendar and weekly instruction emails to help you stay on track. You can access the program from any device at ANY time at your own convenience.

What to Expect After You Sign Up?

After signing you will immediately receive your welcome email and access to the program inside your inbox. If you are a 1-on-1 client additional emails will be sent to schedule your inital consultation call and receive private messenger access. If self led, you will simply access the program and start with the welcome section for instructions on how to navigate the program. At anytime you can contact Dr. Jones for further assistance and/or consultation call needs.